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I found these pictures on and thought that these pictures really brought my favorites out. The music notes can be found if you click here.
Click here for the picture of the panda.
Today I uploaded my avatar that I created on Monday. I used the following website,, to create this avatar that is supposed to be a online representation of me. I liked the idea of making an avatar online because when my teacher told us what an avatar really means, I thought that making an avatar that might have looked like me in some way would be really cool! In this idea, I was right. The avatar that I created may not look like me, but I still like it because it has a lot of stuff that I wish I had in the real world.
Everyone in the world has their own way to express their creativity. There are so many ways to express it! Most ways people express their creativity are by drawing, dancing, or playing music! The main way that I express my creativity is through my music when I play the piano. Every time I play the piano I can express my creativity by playing some random chords and if I like the sound I may even add some other notes to make some of my own music. The parts of the Internet that have music and pictures can play a part in helping me be creative. The musical part can help me think of new ideas for creating music and expressing music in my own way. Also, the websites with pictures can add more interest to my music. I think that if I posted my things on the Internet instead of just for my teacher, that I would work differently because I wouldn't have to follow the outline that my teacher gives me. I just have to express myself in my own special way.